Feeling off your game? Time to tackle it!

Sunday 10th September is World Suicide Prevention Day and Derby County is teaming up with the NHS and local charities to encourage people to focus on their wellbeing – and the wellbeing of those around them.

Every year on 10th September, organisations across the world give a global shout-out to people who are feeling anxious, stressed or down, and tell them: it’s OK to talk.

It’s all part of World Suicide Prevention Day, and this year Derby County is partnering up with a range of organisations, including Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust - which provides mental health services across Derby and Derbyshire - Derbyshire County Council and the Samaritans to urge people to think and speak about their wellbeing.

Representatives from these and other organisations will be in Rammie and Ewie’s play pen at Pride Park Stadium on Friday for the home game against Hull City, chatting to people and handing out information.

The Facts

Every two hours, someone dies as a result of suicide in this country. Suicide is the single biggest killer of men aged under 45 - and as you may know - it’s something that’s affected the footballing community in recent years, too.

Most suicidal people do not have a mental illness. They are often upset, grief-stricken, depressed or in extreme distress. Most do not want death; they want the pain to stop. That’s why it’s so important that people who are feeling low are encouraged to speak up and get help – because it can make all the difference in the world.

Five Ways To Wellbeing

Health experts recommend these five ways to improve how you feel:

1. CONNECT – ring a mate or family member, have a chat, arrange a meet-up

2. BE ACTIVE – go for a walk or run, have a game of footie, join our Active Supporters programme

3. TAKE NOTICE – of all the good stuff around you

4. LEARN – a new skill, play a new sport

5. GIVE – volunteer, help a stranger, be part of something ‘big’.

Connect, Communicate, Care

If you know someone who may be feeling anxious or down, we are asking you today to reach out to them. The theme of this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day is ‘connect, communicate, care’.

You can do that by…

* Checking in with your mates and asking them, “are you OK?”

* Encouraging them to talk about how they feel – maybe by talking about your feelings too…

* Recommending that they speak to their GP, call the NHS on 111, or contact an organisation like the Samaritans (tel: 116 123), HOPElineUK (for young people up to 35 – tel: 0800 068 41 41), Derbyshire Focusline (tel: 0800 027 2127) or Talking Mental Health Derbyshire (tel: 0300 123 0542).