Primary aged children taking part in Derby County Community Trust’s Holiday Coaching sessions at Belper Leisure this half term were surprised by first-team players Jason Knight and Haydon Roberts.

The players joined children taking part in a range of skills, drills and games at the leisure centre, which hosts holiday activity throughout the school breaks.

Children asked Knight and Roberts their questions about playing for Derby, becoming professional footballers, and who their favourite teams and players are.

The midfielder and defender then played some mini games with the participants before watching their penalty shootout which ended the session.

All the participants then got a signed card from the players to take home as a memento from the day.

Knight said: “It’s great to get involved with what goes on in the community. The last couple of years have obviously been tough for the club and for the fans but now everything is back to normal it’s even more important to come out and show our support for these kinds of activities.

“The club has always done this kind of work in the community but having been here through some tough times recently, it’s really great to get back to getting involved with the things that go on beyond the stadium.

“It’s just nice to get stuck in, a couple of them tried to ‘megs’ us – but that didn’t happen! I’m glad we could come and put a few smiles on their faces.”

Roberts added: “Being newer to Derby, it’s great to come out and meet kids who are taking part in sessions like today’s.

“It’s nice knowing that younger players like this look up to us and it’s great to be able to come and thank them for that support.”

Simon Carnall, Head of Community, said: “It’s really important for us to get players out to our sessions in the community. They are held in such high regard by participants across all ages and, especially when they meet younger participants, they really look up to them and see them as role models.

“We’re grateful to Jason and Haydon for attending our sessions this week and inspiring the next generation of potential Derby County footballers!”

Holiday coaching is one of Derby County Community Trust’s longest running projects which provides activity across the school holidays to keep children healthy and active.

More recently, their provision has extended through the Rams Family Support project, which ensures that children who would usually receive free school meals are catered for in the holidays, even when government funding isn’t available.

This support is running throughout all holidays and, coupled with the offer at Harrison’s Hub, the Community Trust’s new base within Pride Park Stadium, the Rams Family Support project is continuing to assist families who need a helping hand across the city.

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